Monday, September 17, 2007

Poem: Nala

the child in you
trusting, gentle, free
my wee love
asks so little of me
pounces, dances
stalks me patiently
playtime, mealtime
time as family

you've your life planned
around such little that is still
minutes, hours, days
you bend life to your very will
wrap your world within
that which you see by the sill
you've nothing and yet
with nothing you cavil

to be at peace perhaps
is not so big a feat
your valor lies indeed
in being the only heart
with room for all i can give

(c) VedicVerses (Rucha Gokhale)


Hrishi said...

Not that I know lot about poems and off course English, but nice collection I really liked the way you have written the poem.
Keep it up.

Joey said...

I knew you loved your cat, but now I better understand.