Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Magic kingdom

I clean
She sings
Of mundane things

I cook
She talks
Of imagined walks

I listen
She chimes
And makes up rhymes

I scribble
She sketches
Destroys evil witches

I smile
She kisses
Away all my hits and misses

I'm blessed
She's here
Living her wonder years

This is no ordinary life
It's our magic kingdom

(c) VedicVerses (Rucha Gokhale)

Patient and lonely

My eldest
The soul of this Enterprise
Lies all alone in the darkness
Away from all she loves
She and I await
The judgement yet to be passed

I'm ashamed and ridden with guilt
That it took me so much time
To sense her pain
As her stoic little heart
Withstood the agony of neglect
Wordlessly, and smiling

The more I try to be that person
The less of a Mother am I
Women can truly have it all
Just never at the same time

And yet what I want outside of Motherhood
Has forever eluded me
The title, the wages
Nothing but child's play to most
Are a forever-out-of-reach carrot
To this donkey

I've no patience left
Patience is what brought me here
In the first place
Put my head down and work they said
Apparently that only applies to women
And immigrants
While the Trumps of this world
Shall leave a lasting legacy behind
Gloating over us lesser mortals
With hard-won degrees and
Award-worthy patience

Time with her is what makes me
Her love is what saves me
She is all alone in the darkness
How am I the lonely one?

(c) VedicVerses (Rucha Gokhale)